Isa's Journal
"One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things." - Henry Miller
POSTED BY ISA 8/11/2013
My name is Isa, and I am the founder, president, and CEO of Sybarisa travel. I created Sybarisa to be able to bring to others the things that I love the most: special times with friends and family, travel, luxury, learning new things, and … did I mention travel? Here, in my journal, I chronicle many of the places that I visit, and I reflect on the wonderful people and experiences I encounter. I hope some of these entries inspire you to begin planning a trip of your own. When you are ready to begin, I am here to help.
The Best Reason to Travel
POSTED BY ISA 8/11/2013
Before I send my clients places, I go myself. It is exhilarating for me to visit a destination when I have specific individuals in mind. Suddenly everything becomes about sharing, about helping my clients connect with the places, people, and experiences that will truly wow them. During these trips, my mind goes a million miles a minute: She would love that…, perfect for them…, I cannot wait until they see this view. I want to thank my clients for giving me a reason to visit all of the wonderful places I do, and for investing these trips with greater meaning and purpose for me. I hope you have a chance to look at my recent entries from Italy.
Next stop Paws Up in Montana.

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