Isa's Journal
"One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things." - Henry Miller
Pizzicheria de Miccoli
POSTED BY ISA 8/10/2013
On this trip, Siena was my first stop. Whenever I am there, I make a point of stopping at the city’s most famous Salumeria – Pizzicheria de Miccoli. If you are walking along the Via di Città, you cannot fail to notice the big boar’s head and the wooden cutout of a pink pig outside the shop. Once inside, you will find people coming in to chat and sample the most exquisite prosciuttos, salamis, meats, cheeses, and breads. There is no seating inside the shop, but customers will eat standing up at the counter, and the owner will pair your selection with wines he stocks for the purpose. In addition, the Pizzicheria produces its own olive oil in conjunction with a local grove. Take a few minutes out of your day for some instant gratification: a glass of wine, some bread, and some prosciutto. You will leave feeling refreshed and ready to return to exploring, shopping, or whatever adventure your day brings.

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