Isa's Journal

"One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things." - Henry Miller

The Artisans of Florence

POSTED BY ISA    10/6/2012

The Artisans of Florence

Florence is home to some of the world’s most wonderful craftsmen and artisans, many of them carrying on ancient traditions.  I love to spend time visiting with perfume makers, ceramicists, glass blowers, leather workers, and experts in historical restoration.  Whenever I am in Florence, I set aside a day or two to stop in their ateliers.  I always learn something and it makes me feel wonderfully connected to the hum of this ancient city. On my most recent trip, I met with Saskia, a German-born, shoemaker who works in her studio of Via Santa Lucia and I had a chance to witness some professional art restorers who were hard at work.

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