Isa's Journal

"One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things." - Henry Miller

Italy Pre-Season

POSTED BY ISA    8/10/2013

Italy Pre-Season

This past spring, I was in Italy, catching up with old friends and making new ones.  I visited spots that I have long cherished, and I was introduced to some new places too.  One thing that made this trip unique was that I was able to visit two or three hotels in the days and weeks before they officially opened for the season.  There is a special energy before opening day, like the morning before a big party when the house is buzzing with preparations.  I love these secret glimpses into the life of a hotel – they make you feel like an insider, a member of the family, and it is wonderful to watch all of the work come together in anticipation of the season’s first guests.

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