Isa's Journal

"One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things." - Henry Miller

two hosts

two hosts

POSTED BY ISA    7/19/2012

A photo of me with my friend Mario Leon, president of MJL Select. 

Sybarisa’s Launch

Sybarisa’s Launch

POSTED BY ISA    5/26/2012

On May 2, 2012, I opened the doors to Sybarisa:  a new company and a whole new way of life for me -- and yet the foundations of Sybarisa could not be more familiar.  From the things I love, the things I have always done:  traveling, teaching, and sharing with my family and my friends, Sybarisa was born.


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Sybarisa - VIP concierge and educational services for travel


VIP concierge and educational services for travel